Navicat is the choice of over 3 million database users all around the world. Over 160,000 registered customers across 7 continents and 138 countries have chosen our products.

More than 40% of the Fortune 500 rely on Navicat every day. Our customers include numerous Fortune 500 companies, government departments, educational institutions from preschools to universities, system integrators, and commercial/non-profit organizations in a variety of markets including information technology, retail, medical, transportation services/logistics, hospitality, banking, manufacturing, and more.

Navicat Premium


Navicat Premium is a database development tool that allows you to simultaneously connect to MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and SQLite databases from a single application. Compatible with cloud databases like Amazon RDS, Amazon Aurora, Amazon Redshift, Microsoft Azure, Oracle Cloud, Google Cloud and MongoDB Atlas. You can quickly and easily build, manage and maintain your databases. Learn More





Navicat for MySQL is the ideal solution for MySQL/MariaDB administration and development. It is a single application that allows you to connect to MySQL and MariaDB databases simultaneously. Compatible with cloud databases like Amazon RDS, Amazon Aurora, Oracle Cloud, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure. This all-inclusive frontend provides an intuitive and powerful graphical interface for database management, development, and maintenance. Learn More


Navicat for PostgreSQL is an easy-to-use graphical tool for PostgreSQL database development. From writing simple SQL queries to developing complex databases, Navicat for PostgreSQL is designed to accommodate a wide range of users, from PostgreSQL beginners to seasoned developers. Connect to local/remote PostgreSQL servers and compatible with cloud databases like Amazon Redshift, Amazon Aurora, Amazon RDS, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure, and all PostgreSQL database objects. Learn More

Navicat for SQL Server gives you a fully graphical approach to database management and development. Quickly and easily create, edit, and delete all database objects, or execute SQL queries and scripts. Connect to any local/remote SQL Server, and compatible with cloud databases like Amazon RDS and Microsoft Azure. Learn More

Navicat for Oracle improves the efficiency and productivity of Oracle developers and administrators with a streamlined working environment. Optimizing your Oracle development – create, organize, access, and share information quickly and securely. Navicat for Oracle is compatible with cloud databases like Amazon RDS and Oracle Cloud, and supports local/remote Oracle servers. Learn More

Navicat for SQLite Navicat for SQLite is a powerful and comprehensive SQLite GUI that provides a complete set of functions for database management and development. Optimizing your SQLite workflow and productivity – you can quickly and securely create, organize, access, and share information. Learn More

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Ready to order? Call +254-716-037-318 for assistance.

Exelient Technologies is an authorized reseller of the entire suite of PremiumSoft Navicat database admin tools.